
3 Ways to Kindly Say “No” to Invites for Introverts

woman smiling at the camera. Therapist Kim Moustoukkis writes3 ways to say no to invites a self-care blog article. she provides counseling in bloomington, IL at bridge to hope counseling61704

Life is challenging when you’re an introvert. What are simple interactions for many people can feel anxious and uncomfortable to you. The mere idea of taking part in certain social events can be exhausting and emotionally draining to an introvert.While some social functions, such as business meetings, cannot be missed, there are social gatherings that can be, and it is...[ read more ]

How to Boost Your Self-Esteem

woman smiles with a big slice of watermelon. therapist kim moustoukkis provides tips to boost self esteem in bloomington IL at bridge to hope counseling 61704

What does it mean to have a healthy self-esteem?Some people think it means you are okay with how you look. Other people think you must accomplish something big in your life to have a good self-esteem.But the reality is, having a healthy self-esteem means you like and appreciate yourself faults and all. A good self-esteem can be the difference between...[ read more ]

How to Practice Self-Compassion

woman stretches her arms out at the beach. she practices self-compassion and other self-care tips from kim moustoukkis a therapist in bloomington, il 617044

Most of us from a young age are taught how to be kind, considerate and compassionate toward others. But rarely are we told to show the same consideration to ourselves. This becomes even more true for individuals brought up in abusive or unloving homes.What is Self-Compassion?Self-compassion is taken from Buddhist psychology and refers to how we can relate to the...[ read more ]

Can Marriage Counseling Really Help Your Relationship?

couple argues at sunset, therapist in bloomington, IL at bridge to hope counseling provides relationship tips 61704

When I first started my practice, I remember reading a statistic about divorce that I found shocking. And that was that 40-50% of all marriages in the United States ended in divorce.According to recent surveys, however, the divorce rate in the U.S. fell by 18% between 2008 and 2016. While everyone has their theory as to why the rate is...[ read more ]

Keys to Successful Therapy

how to have a successful therapy session. Get CBT cognitive behavioral therapy in bloomington, IL at bridge to hope counseling 61704

Cognitive therapy has been shown over the years to be incredibly effective at helping people recognize and change their behaviors. But, as much potential as therapy has for every individual, some people seem to have success with therapy while others don’t.Some of this stems from what the individuals’ expectations were going into therapy, some from how much effort they gave,...[ read more ]

Coping with the Holidays After Loss

grief and loss during the holidays is tough get grief counseling in bloomington il at bridge to hope counseling 61704

For many people, the holidays are about spending time with loved ones. But for those who have suffered a recent loss, the holidays can be painful and isolating. Here are some ways you can cope with the holidays after a loss: Recognize You are Not Alone It’s easy to feel as though you are the only one experiencing great pain...[ read more ]

5 Free Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

happy woman after counseling in bloomington, IL at bridge to hope counseling 61704

When we talk about our mental health, we're talking about much more than a clinical diagnosis. Your mental health also refers to your psychological well-being. Having a healthy psychological well-being means you're able to better manage your emotions as well as your mood. Every day presents its unique challenges, and a healthy mental state can help you take challenges in...[ read more ]

How to Find Friends as an Adult

friends chatting at outdoor cafe. Learn friendship tips from a therapist in bloominton, IL at bridge to hope counseling 61704

You may remember growing up, meeting your best friend on the playground or making friends in French class. As adults, we don't have systems built in to make friends like we did as children. We can't even reach out to loved ones for help, because while it's socially acceptable to say "I'm looking for a boyfriend", its not socially acceptable...[ read more ]

Five Healthy Ways to Reward Yourself

woman gets a massage and practices self-care. Learn more ways to care for your mental health from a therapist in bloominton, IL at bridge to hope cousneling 61704

For many of us, when we think of a treat or a reward, our minds turn to food: our favorite chocolate cake at the local bakery, or a big, cheesy slice of pizza. If food doesn't do it for you, you might want to reward yourself with some other unhealthy habit such as expensive purchases or overindulging in alcohol.When we're...[ read more ]

Getting Your Inner Spark Back: 5 Tips to Loving Yourself Again

sparkler illustrating self love. Learn more self care tips from a therapist in Bloominton, IL at bridge to hope cousneling 61704

We are born knowing that we are infinitely lovable. Babies and toddlers demand love and attention. They ask to be held, they ask for toys and presents and they feel they deserve them. When we’re very young, we simply somehow just “know” that we are amazing and deserve nothing but goodness.But then something happens…We get programmed by kids at school...[ read more ]

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1012 Ekstam Dr Ste 3
Bloomington, IL 61704
(309) 455-5703

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