
Five Healthy Ways to Reward Yourself

woman gets a massage and practices self-care. Learn more ways to care for your mental health from a therapist in bloominton, IL at bridge to hope cousneling 61704

For many of us, when we think of a treat or a reward, our minds turn to food: our favorite chocolate cake at the local bakery, or a big, cheesy slice of pizza. If food doesn't do it for you, you might want to reward yourself with some other unhealthy habit such as expensive purchases or overindulging in alcohol.When we're...[ read more ]

Is Your Food Delivery Habit Hurting Your Mental Health?

Food delivery biker. Is your food delivery affecting your mental health in bloominton, IL

The modern world offers us many conveniences. Indoor plumbing and electricity make life far more sanitary and pleasant than what our ancestors had to deal with. Technology allows us to connect with people from around the world, and we can hop in our car and go wherever we want safely and relatively quickly (unless you live in a major city...[ read more ]

Bridge to Hope Counseling logo | Bloomington, IL 61704

1012 Ekstam Dr Ste 3
Bloomington, IL 61704
(309) 455-5703

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